179 Search results found for : "index"

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Science & Society Meeting

State of the art of participatory research and of its challenges This symposium aims at gathering scientists and researchers on the topics of participatory research, participatory action research and/or citizen…

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The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World

Edited by Bonnie Effros and Isabel Moreira, avec des articles de Luc Bourgeois, Édith Peytremann et Patrick Périn Published: 29 October 2020 (Estimated)1056 Pages248x171 mmISBN: 9780190234188https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-the-merovingian-world-9780190234188?cc=gb&lang=en&# The Merovingian era is…

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Atoms and clusters

Atoms and clusters Teachers: Prof. Jean-Yves Chesnel, CIMAP - jean-yves.chesnel@unicaen.fr Dr. Patrick Rousseau, CIMAP - prousseau@ganil.fr Dr. Alain Méry, CIMAP - mery@ganil.fr Dr. Michael Fromager, CIMAP - michael.fromager@unicaen.fr Course Structure:…

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Atomic and Molecular Physics II

Atomic and Molecular Physics II Master 1 Physics - Second semester, 18hCM + 12hTD Chapters I & II: 12hCM + 6hTD, resp. J.-Y. Chesnel Chapter III: 6hCM + 6hTD, resp.…

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Nanoparticles M1 S2b2 Applied Physic Responsable: M. Morales This lecture aims at studying the physical phenomena on nanometric structures leading to specific applications. Metallicnanoparticles (C. Dufour – 5h): Localized surface…

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