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Semaine des partenaires internationaux

  • Dernière modification de la publication :24 mars 2023
  • Post category:

Each year, the University of Caen Normandie dedicates a whole week to its global partners, giving the opportunity to discover our institution and the unique historical heritage of the Normandy region.
Through workshops, faculty meetings and presentations, we will share best practices and exchange on common issues and objectives related to international education.

The 2022 edition of our International Partner Week will be held on May 11-17, on UNICAEN main campus located in downtown Caen.


All day – Walk-in welcome day

Noon: Lunch at the campus 1 restaurant for participants present at lunch time

7 pm – City tour (presentations and tour)
Guided tour of our historical city.

9:30 am – About UNICAEN (presentations and tour)
Mission statement, academics, research, student support, international outreach: a walking overview of what UNICAEN is all about.

Noon – Lunch at the campus 1 restaurant

1 pm – About our territory (site visits)
Welcome to Caen Normandy, a modern territory with international ambitions, interconnected with UNICAEN.

7 pm – Partner dinner
Social time around the Norman cuisine.

9 am – Connect & Share (job shadowing)
Individual or group meetings based on common activities and/or projects.

Noon – Lunch at University restaurant

2 am – Beyond classrooms (site visits)
Immersive VR room, joint research units, real-time trading room…. Exploring the academic and scientific diversity of a multi-site University.

9 am – The D-Day and the Battle of Normandy (excursion)
Discover the sites of the D-Day landings, prelude to the Battle of Normandy (detailed program below).

Caen-la-Mer on your own
The Sunday Farmers’ Market, the mediaval Castle and Abbeys, the museums, the seaside… enjoy a day in the Caen-le-Mer urban area.

Extand you stay to learn more
Additional faculty and staff meetings can be scheduled to explore further our cooperation.